Monday, November 12, 2018

Tapeworm diet

Tapeworm diet

Tape worm diet, sounds insane and disgusting right? Well, after this article you will understand how this diet actually works, the theories behind the and . Although it is not possible to attempt the tapeworm diet in most countries, it is being offered at some places in Mexico. When you arrive at the treatment location . Horrified nurse told documentary producers: She was apologizing to the girl. You know, I did it just to make you a little skinnier'. An American mother gave her daughter a pill filled with tapeworm eggs to help her lose weight quickly.

Tapeworm diet

Dr Michael Mosley infected himself, swallowing three cysts containing baby tapeworms, which were harvested from cow's tongues in Kenya. The woman went to her doctor and admitted she'd bought a tapeworm off the Internet and swallowed it, says Dr. Patricia Quinlisk, the medical . Tapeworms have been marketed as a weight-loss product for over 1years. Learn about the health risks associated with swallowing . Legend claims women used to maintain slender figures by ingesting diet pills made from tapeworms.

And if, like Khloe Kardashian, you're considering the tapeworm diet, you should think about taking up jogging instead. Tapeworm Diet: An Extremely Risky Weight Loss Method Individuals seeking to lose weight are constantly confronted with a variety of diets, supplements, and .

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