Friday, March 9, 2018

Metoprolol weight loss

Hello, My doctor as put me on mg metoprolol extened release daily for palpitations. I am reading on the web about weight gain and hair loss. Metoprolol is a beta blocker used in the management of hypertension and chronic angina pectoris, or chest pain. In other words, decreasing the dosage did result in some loss of weight.

Metoprolol weight loss

If that cause-and-effect relationship is correct, then I am not surprised. Has anyone had any luck losing a significant amount of weight while on these meds or is it unrealistic to try to lose weight while taking this? THEN I find out that it is actually probably the metoprolol.

I have gone to Drs, done a ton of different weight loss diets, i exercise AT LEAST . I began losing significant weight immediately. Within months of abandoning Metoprolol for my current BP medicine I lost that pounds and . Learn about the potential side effects of metoprolol. Another common cause for failed weight loss are prescription drugs and a. Beta blockers—metoprolol, atenolol, carvedilol, and propranolol . I've talked previously about how some drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter, can block weight loss.

Metoprolol weight loss

Side effects may develop with metoprolol, and weight gain is seen in less than percent of. Does Metoprolol Cause Weight Gain?

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